Tuesday, 5 December
🚲 FietsKliniek DIY bike repair 🔧
Short url:
*** Entrance to the FietsKliniek is at Pieter Nieuwlandstraat #95, in the middle of the building ***
FietsKliniek is a membership based and volunteer-run workspace in the NieuwLand. Membership is €50 a year, for 10 times use of the space, 2 hours per session. Membership is ‘transferable’, you and your friends, colleagues can make use of it. In the bike workspace you will find all the tools and parts you need to repair your bike and you will get free guidance from one of our volunteers in the process. No experience needed!
to make an apointment sent a msg to:
In case you want to use the workspace only once, the minimum price is €10 for a 2 hour session, paid in advance. You will receive a msg with a payment link, so please leave you phone number.*
In case you make a reservation, dont cancel and dont show up you wont get your money back.
in case you cancel on time, same day of the appointment before 12am, sent a msg to 0612711608, then you will get your money back.
Welcome to the FietsKliniek and enjoy your DIY bike session!
* we use your information only for the pourpuse of facilitating this process, we dont keep any data from you in the future.
Date & Time:
- work space/diy
- membership fee