Leftover studio broadcast!

Thursday, 7 March

Leftover studio broadcast!

Short url: 


The revival of the infamous leftover radio studio, now focussing more on video as well. We will bring you an evening of entertainment, comedy, policics, visuals, tunes.
curently on the schedule:

- The Orbs - about cryptocurrencies, big coorperations, and general dodgyness surounding those.

- Workshop creative writing.

- Vandalism Time Show - comedy and politics

- Short story reading.

- Back the Track - track review and interview with a producer.

- Tunes by ...

watch live on https://leftover.puscii.nl !

Date & Time: 

Thursday, 7 March, 2024 - 20:30


  • radio/tv

LAG is a hacklab project coming out of the SLUG (Squatting Linux User Group) mesh.
Our main focus is the relationship between politics and technology, both at a practical and theoretical level.


  • course/workshop / (free) shop/market / work space/diy