lag-field-trip into the dystopic future our present has become

Friday, 27 September

lag-field-trip into the dystopic future our present has become

Short url:

we are going to irregularly bring our weekly open day into the open. there are too many things happening around the city that demand our close attention.
we'll pick an high density place and go probe it with a bunch of people. bring your reflections over cybernetics, smart cities, automation, 5g and your favorite probing tools. bring also your laptop because we are going to compile some notes of our discussions and findings.

we'll stick around lag waiting for people till 18h, then we'll jump on a car or leave by bike depending on the amount of people and the chosen location. be on time! (or pay the parking ticket..)
return time is undefined so get your own transportation if you can't stand group dynamics
eventually we'll be back in lag for more drinks

Date & Time: 

Friday, 27 September, 2019 - 17:00


  • action/protest/camp
  • bar/cafe
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • guided tour
  • work space/diy
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16
1075 TX Amsterdam

LAG is a hacklab project coming out of the SLUG (Squatting Linux User Group) mesh.
Our main focus is the relationship between politics and technology, both at a practical and theoretical level.


  • course/workshop / (free) shop/market / work space/diy