Sunday, 3 June
Movie and Conversation: Together We Defend Our Mother Earth: Documentary on the Commons of Tila, Chiapas, Mexico
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The indigenous ch'ol community in the town of Tila in Southern Chiapas, Mexico, live on the the communal lands protected legally as an 'ejido' (roughly: Commons). They have their own forms of governance and live in peace with most of their non-indigenous neighbours -- except the authorites, who wanted to take over part of the communal lands. Left with no other option, the commoners took action against the 'bad government' on their lands and started to build autonomy in line with Zapatista principles and forms of organization. The documentary was made together with the commoners, to give those who are not from there the opportunity to understand the commoners' experience and their struggle. We will watch the film, get an update on recent developments, and have a 'conversatorio', a conversation, about commonality, territory, solidarity, and documentary-making.
Date & Time:
- discussion/presentation
- film