Friday, 8 April
The Avantgarde and Feminism of Helke Sander
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Helke Sander made fundamental contributions to the second German feminist wave, having been responsible for what became known as the New German Women's Movement. The main mark of her work, both in cinema and in activism, is the rupture with established forms and ideas, breaking the ingrained patterns of cinematographic conventions and making ever-changing films through her thoughts, images, and narratives. Gender inequality, 1968 protests, sexual politics and motherhood are some of the themes covered by Sander in films full of satire and irony. In this screening, short and mid-length films, including the influential 1968 Brecht die Macht der Manipulateure.
Screened as part of the Helke Sander Retrospective organized by Filmhuis Cavia and the Goethe Institut.
Helke Sander | 1966 | 5'
Helke Sander's first film, Subjektitüde (a word invented at the junction between Subject and Attitude) dissects different perspectives in a typical urban Berlin street-scene.
Helke Sander | 1967 | 11'
A short documentary about the routine of the director's 7-year-old son.
Brecht die Macht der Manipulateure
Helke Sander | 1968 | 48'
In 1968, the student movement followed the “Springer Campaign”, whose aim was to prove that Editora Springer's extensive network propagated the United States' view of the Vietnam War without giving rise to any other point of view. All texts used in the scenes of the film are original quotes from the Springer newspapers, "Die Welt" and "Bild". The film, which alternates scenes from archival material and reconstructions, features Harun Farocki.
Nr. 1 - Aus Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste
Helke Sander | 1985 | 11'
A woman climbs with her two children to the top of a construction crane and threatens to jump if affordable housing is not provided for her and her children before nightfall.
Nr. 5 - Aus Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste
Helke Sander | 1986 | 10'
In one single shot : A man saves a woman from an abuser. Then he himself attacks her. A third man comes to help the woman. Another woman observes everything from a distance and calls the police, who makes a mistake.
Nr. 8 - Aus Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste
Helke Sander | 1986 | 11'
Based on real facts: a customer in a Chinese store repeatedly demands simple information.
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- film