Saturday, 28 November to Sunday, 29 November
Anarchist Bookfair Amsterdam 2020
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November 28th & 29th 2020
Dokhuis: Plantage doklaan 12, Amsterdam
We have had long and expansive discussions about the book fair this year because of the corona pandemic. And we have decided we will have a physical event, although it will be in a very different form than usual. We take the pandemic very seriously and haven’t made this decision lightly. We are aware of the dangers we face today and the need to keep our exposure to each other to a minimum as to not risk more widespread infections. Because of this we have taken a lot of measures to ensure the book fair can happen as safe as possible, but more on this later. We want to save lives and make this world less dangerous. To be able to do this we have to organize politically and we have to do part of that in real life. The Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam isn’t just a fun event to go book shopping, it is also the place where comrades meet and make plans, where new people become active and where new projects are launched. In a time of a worldwide health crisis, an emerging economic crisis and rising tides of conservatism and fascism, we have to step our game up. It is now that we have to come together (in a safe way), organize and fight back. What we do as a political movement matters and can and does actually save lives. We should keep looking for new ways to organize, especially now.
This year the Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam will happen in a much smaller and different form. We will not have workshops and will only have a very small amount of stands. Instead we will have 2 days of discussions and brainstorms about how to fight for a better world. Especially during the crisis fighting for each other is all the more important, while it is also getting more difficult. We still want to have a physical event, because we believe it is important to bring people together to make plans, exchange ideas and just to see and meet comrades.
The day will have timeslots for which you have to make a reservation. There will be a maximum of 25 people per timeslot.
Corona measures
We are going to have a completely different event to make it as safe as possible. Each space will have a limited capacity of people as to not overcrowd the spaces and have room to keep 1,5 meters distance from everybody. We will have the event split up in different timeslots for which people have to make a reservation. This way we can keep the amount of visitors within our maximum and prevent a big line in front of the door. Wearing face masks will be mandatory at all times inside.
Amount of people allowed inside.
The big hall and cafe both have a maximum of 30 people per room. But we will keep each timeslot to a maximum of 25 people. This 25 will be excluding the volunteers (which is 1 or 2 people per room). We will keep the numbers of volunteers as low as possible during open hours to help minimize the amount of people who are present. The volunteers will show people where to go and ensure that everyone wears their face mask covering both the mouth and the nose. In the breaks between the timeslots all the rooms will be cleaned thoroughly from head to toe. We encourage you to clean your hands after visiting each stand and keep distances between others and the people behind the stands. We will provide disinfectants throughout the room but you have the responsibility to use them.
The full program will be announced on Monday November 23. Check our website!
We are also planning to organize a more full version of the Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam in the spring of 2021 at an outside location. More information will follow soon.
Date & Time:
- book shop/info shop/library
- discussion/presentation
- exhibition
- film
- free