Inactive: Squat du boulevard Yves Guillou
Squat du boulevard Yves Guillou
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Squat evicted summer of 2020.
The Vannier space - an emergency facility open during the winter period - accommodated up to 80 people per night, mainly families with children. This facility was largely insufficient in terms of reception capacity, especially for single people, and unsuitable since it was not open during the day. Since its closure on April 4, 12 families have been thrown into the streets. Some have found a precarious solution in the homes of friends or people in solidarity, others have settled in the Marais squat. The Marais squat already housed about 250 people and the thirty or so additional people were hardly bearable from the point of view of the sanitary facilities and collective kitchens. We were already forced to refuse many requests, and several families "live" at the train station for lack of places in one of the 8 squats in the Caen area, or in the solidarity housing networks.
Asylum seekers are not even housed in the CADA (Centre d'Accueil des Demandeurs d'Asile) as the law requires. The General Assembly for the Fight Against All Evictions has therefore occupied a new home located at 75, Boulevard Yves Guillou in Caen since May 2, which can accommodate 5 families with children, i.e. 18 people.
This is still largely insufficient given the current situation to compensate for the shortcomings of the Calvados prefecture, which is flouting the Right to Housing by refusing to accommodate more than 500 people in Caen with dignity.
This number will only continue to increase, since the Calvados prefecture only applies the "Valls" circular in a "drop-by-drop" fashion. Families who have been present in the area for more than 7 years, or even 8 years for some, are not regularized and find themselves in a dead end, without any elementary rights (work, housing...). In addition, the prefecture renews less and less residence permits "for medical reasons", putting families, already integrated, in situations of infernal exclusion. Under these conditions, the current housing situation, already critical, will only worsen.
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