1 in 12 Club

1 in 12 Club

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The 1 in 12 Club was formed in 1981 by members of Bradford's anarchist orientated Claimants Union in 1981. The immediate objectives of the 'Club' were to generate and sustain a social scene, accessible and affordable to both the low waged and unemployed. The expectation and hope was that this would in turn encourage the anarchist values of self-management, co-operation and mutual aid.

The late 1970s and early 1980s saw massive job losses across Britain and Bradford was no exception with GEC and International Harvesters shutting plants in the City. Against this backdrop a particularly strong and active Claimants Union emerged which campaigned vigorously to improve the situation for unemployed and low waged people in Bradford When, in 1981 a government investigation into benefit fraud (the 'Raynor Report') found that '1 in 12' claimants were actively "defrauding the state", the union lost no time in adopting this statistic for themselves.

The 1 in 12 Club is two separate things; firstly and most importantly it is a group of people who work together to promote certain political ideals and social change; secondly it is a building housing a members social club. This ditference is vital, with or without the building the 1 in 12 Club lives. For the first seven years the club led a nomadic life in pubs around the city, and it was during this period that the club's reputation for political and social action was established. The decision to apply for a grant to buy premises was just one more dimension, albeit a major one, to the already well established Club's existence. The Club is not the building - the building is not the Club, it is just our most recent home, the present location of our activity and focus to our social scene.

The original objectives of the 1 in 12 Club were to develop and spread the anarchist values of self-management, co-operation and mutual aid. Through gigs, books, records and direct action, the Club has sought to extend the influence of these ideas throughout Bradford and beyond.
Who can tell what the future will bring, a Housing Association, Credit Union, and a Farm have all been discussed by members. Whether these ideas are realised or not the 1 in 12 Club remains a living example of practical anarchism in action. Participative, democratic and dynamic, the 1 in 12 Club is proof that given the opportunity people have the creativity, intelligence and above all desire to begin taking back control over their own lives.

opening times: 

at 7.00, Thursday - Sundays


  • advice/help/office hours
  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • film
  • music/concert
  • party



01274 734160
1 in 12 Club
21-23 Albion Street
United Kingdom
There are no upcoming events.