A(d)Just (the) City - Cultural Production in Autonomous Spaces - A film by Chantal Hassard

Πέμπτη, 17 Αύγουστος εώς Παρασκευή, 18 Αύγουστος

A(d)Just (the) City - Cultural Production in Autonomous Spaces - A film by Chantal Hassard

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'A(d) Just (The) City' (2020) is a documontage that investigates the cultural production of autonomous space through collectives and individuals active in the Amsterdam alternative scene. Their commentary is presented alongside found footage from the 1930's onward and positions the Amsterdam squatting movement in relation to avant-garde art groups such as The Amsterdam Balloon Company, Insekten Sekte, CoBrA and the Situationists with more politically oriented groups such as Provo, The Kabouterpartij and We Are Here. Autonomous space is presented as an ongoing collaborative social and artistic force of resistance against financially driven city planning.

Ημερομηνία & Ώρα: 

Πέμπτη, 17 Αύγουστος, 2023 - 20:00 εώς Παρασκευή, 18 Αύγουστος, 2023 - 01:00


  • ταινία


  • δωρεάν
Vondelpark 8a


We are in the bridge, under the trams!

Welcome to the Vondelbunker!

The Vondelbunker is an autonomous cultural center run by volunteers who share the conviction that space is political. The bunker in its current form has been open since June 2011, hosting an unruly and dynamic cultural programme.


  • δράση/διαδήλωση/κατασκήνωση / συμβουλές/βοήθεια/ώρες γραφείου / μπαρ/καφέ / βιβλιοπωλείο/ενημερωτικό κέντρο/βιβλιοθήκη / παιδιά / μάθημα/εργαστήριο / συζήτηση/παρουσίαση / έκθεση / ταινία / χώρος ανταλλαγής / συνάντηση / μουσική / πάρτυ / θέατρο / χώρος εργασίας/φτιάξ'το μόνος σου