Τρίτη, 8 Μάρτιος
Take Back the Night Demo
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Join our anti-capitalist feminist night march for the 8th of march!
Fuck libs and their girl-boss-feminism - we want more!
The 8th of march is founded by working-class womxn rising and demanding what’s theirs. We will take back that revolutionary power, unite in our anger and take back the night!
This march is intersectional! We will stand side by side as FLINTA* Queers, Sex Workers, BIPoC, Anarchists, and more! We will amplify each other's voices, support each other in our struggles and fight for our collective freedom! TERFS and SWERFS will not divide us!
The streets belong to us and should be ours at all times! We won’t be pushed away anymore, neither by individual cis-men nor by the authorities systematically trying to keep us scared! We're taking back the city, we're claiming our space!
The streets are ours!
Join our demo on the 8th of march to fearlessly take back power!
What we want for International Women's Day is our emancipation and the total destruction of capitalism and the state!
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