Samstag, 9 November bis Sonntag, 10 November


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TRANSANGER is an event focused on brining the trans and queer community togother in our pain and anger at the society around us, and celebrating who we are despite this, through sharing care, connection, education, music, art and performance. The event is not for profit and is raising funds for trans healthcare organisations in various different forms.

The event will be held in the city of Manchester and will kick off at 2pm and end at 6am. It will start with an array of workshops and discussions, which will continue into the evening. Further information and timetabling will follow this in the upcoming weeks.

From 5pm bands will start in the main room, and will continue into the night before DJs follow. A second room focused on dance music will be playing tunes from around 10pm, displaying an array of gogo dance and performance. DJs will be playing the likes of dub, happy hardcore, donk, jungle, 140, tekno, french core, breaks, dnb, hard techno and more.

Throughout the event there will be a welfare space and team working to make the event and caring and safe as possible to assist with any needs that may arise. Additionally there will be a first aid space, a sober space, and a general chill out space, where connection and calmness can be facilitated away from the loud music.

We will be working hard to ensure the event is entirely wheelchair accessable, however due to the nature of the event we cannot guarantee this until the space is confirmed. An update will be given on this hopefully a week before hand.

Children are welcome until 7pm and dogs are welcome throughout.



Datum & Zeit: 

Samstag, 9 November, 2024 (Ganztägig) bis Sonntag, 10 November, 2024 (Ganztägig)


  • Kinderaktivität
  • Kurs/Workshop
  • Essen
  • (Umsonst)Laden/Markt
  • Musik/Konzert
  • Party
  • Arbeitsplatz/Selbermachen


  • gegen Spende

Manchester Autonomous Dreamers social centre is open to create a space for creativity & imagination in resistance to empty council buildings while communities experience a lack of free space in the city. 


  • Aktion/Protest/Camp / Kneipe/Café / Buch-/Infoladen/Bücherei / Kurs/Workshop / Diskussion/Vortrag / Ausstellung / Film / Essen / (Umsonst)Laden/Markt / Treffen / Theater / Arbeitsplatz/Selbermachen