CSO La Animosa

CSO La Animosa

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Squatted Social Center in the neighborhood of Hortaleza. Last Wednesday, November 10, 2021, a group of young people unfurled a huge banner in an abandoned commercial building, in the old town of Hortaleza, announcing the creation of the CSO La Animosa. The premises are owned by the SAREB (Company for the Management of Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring), and have been empty for years. It is a three-storey premises with a total of 1,400 square metres, and which is "at the service of the neighbourhood and its real needs: social, organisational and cultural... to give even more life to a neighbourhood of reference such as Hortaleza", say the new squatters in a statement.
The chosen name refers to the Society of Agricultural Workers of the Lands of Hortaleza La Animosa (Sociedad de Obreros Agricultores de las Tierras de Hortaleza La Animosa), an agrarian community of the old town of Hortaleza. "A self-managed social center to continue its struggle, development and continue improving the community life of the neighbors"


  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • film
  • food
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party


CSO La Animosa
Calle Mar de Japón, 15 - Hortaleza


Metro San Lorenzo


Presently squatted
There are no upcoming events.