Za Wolność Waszą i Naszą! - antyfaszystowskie streetparty

Donnerstag, 11 November

Za Wolność Waszą i Naszą! - antyfaszystowskie streetparty

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We're delighted to invite you to our annual November antifascist demonstration, which has taken on the form of a streetparty!

We are filled with anger and frustration due to the composition and actions of our government and its henchmen - nationalist organisations.

Nevertheless we don't want to get dragged into a spiral of hate and aggression. In the face of the cult of death and suffering we stand by our core values: freedom, equality and mutual aid. We refuse to give away the streets of our city - on this day of hatred and terror we wish to mark our presence. And rather than burning up our energy in the name of aimless anger we will do all this while having a great time!

That is why on the 11th of November we invite everyone to dance to the rythm of resistance.

See you in Warsaw!

11.11.2021 at 14:00 on Plac Unii Lubelskiej

Cover photo based on a photo by Piotr Łapiński @LAPPFOTO

Datum & Zeit: 

Donnerstag, 11 November, 2021 - 14:00 bis 17:00


  • Landesweiter Aufrup


  • Aktion/Protest/Camp
  • Musik/Konzert
  • Party


  • umsonst
Plac Unii
muzeum sue ryder

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  • Beratung/Hilfe/Sprechstunde