IV Niezależne Obchody Rocznicy Powstania w Getcie Warszawskim

Montag, 19 April


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Our memory must continue despite the difficulties of our times. This year, once again, we cannot gather physically, but we can still cultivate the memory of the outbreak of the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. To remember what happened here. Remember those who fought. Remember those who died. And remember those who kept the memory alive: Marek Edelman, Symcha Rotem (Ratajzer) alias "Kazik", Jacek Kuroń, Zofia Kuratowska, Anka Kowalska, Lechosław Goździk, Mirosław Sawicki, Noemi Korsan, Chawka Raban, Julia Hartwig, Henryk Wujec, Wiktor Drukier, Marek Czekalski and many others.For us, as for Marek Edelman, the commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is a matter of memory. We do not want to take part in official commemorations, appropriated by politicians, in celebrations devoured by an empty national celebration. We believe that memory should be a common good, created from the bottom up.


What are we planning for this year?
- On 18 April, we invite you to take part in the discussion “Jakby wybuchło, to razem ze mną. I tyle.” (“If it breakes out, it breakes out with me. That’s it.”). Sylwia Chutnik, Zuzanna Hertzberg and Karolina Szymaniak will discuss the role of women in the uprising. The event is organised by the POLIN Museum.
- On the 19th of April, traditionally at 12 noon, a flower-laying ceremony will take place at the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes. If possible, we will transmit it.
- At 1 p.m., the event website will show premiere footage of the actors Józef Duriasz, Filip Kosior and Bożena Stachura reading selected poems by Stefania Grodzieńska from her volume entitled 'Dzieci getta' [Children of the ghetto]; letters from the Rozental Archive - letters written from the Warsaw ghetto by, among others, Irena Wierzbowska, Klara Cukier, Leon Klikowstein; Marek Edelman's memoirs about the Umschlagplatz and memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto fighter Jakub Putermilch.
- We are also planning to publish a new version of Jacek Kleyff's song 'Edelman 2014'.
- 18:00 We invite you to participate in a meeting organised by the Bente Kahan Foundation around the book "I była miłość w getcie". Anna Wacławik - Orpik will talk with Paula Sawicka, and fragments of the book will be read by Andrzej Seweryn.
- At 7:30 pm, we will once again publish the template of the Great Synagogue for 24 hours. This is a unique opportunity to once again see the original source material that the artists created in 2018 and which was the basis for the projection at Bankowy Square, according to Gabi von Seltmann's concept.

Amog organisers in Poland:
Antyfaszystowska Warszawa
Historia Czerwona
Koalicja Antyfaszystowska
Otwarta Rzeczpospolita
Stowarzyszenie Rok Marka Edelmana
Studencki Komitet Antyfaszystowski
Paula Sawicka
Gabi von Seltmann
Zuzanna Hertzberg
Amel Mana

Datum & Zeit: 

Montag, 19 April, 2021 - 12:00


  • Diskussion/Vortrag
  • Ausstellung
  • Film
  • Treffen


  • umsonst
Pomnik bohaterów Getta

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