'Anarchy Without Road Maps or Adjectives' by Aragorn!

Sonntag, 7 Juni

'Anarchy Without Road Maps or Adjectives' by Aragorn!

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An online discussion about Aragorn!’s essay Anarchy Without Road Maps or Adjectives, hosted by FORGED BOOKS, Manchester’s anarchist reading group.

Conversation will take place on the jitsi platform here: https://8x8.vc/forged/books


Most tendencies within anarchist circles have a narrow conception of what exactly makes an anarchist, what an anarchist project is, and what the transformation to an anarchist world will look like. Whether Green or Red, Communist or Individualist, Activist or Critical, Anarchists spend as much time defending their own speculative positions on these complicated issues as they do learning what others have to offer — especially other anarchists...


Once upon a time there was an anarchist call for “Anarchism without Adjectives,” referring to a doctrine that tolerated the co-existence of different schools of anarchist thought. Instead of qualifying Anarchism as collectivist, communist, or individualist, Anarchism without Adjectives refused to preconceive economic solutions to a post-revolutionary time. Instead, Anarchism without Adjectives argued that the abolition of authority, not squabbling over the future, is of primary importance.


alt. link: https://usa.anarchistlibraries.net/library/aragorn-anarchy-without-road-...

We recommend the Chromium browser on desktop: https://download-chromium.appspot.com/
Chrome should also work. We couldn't get Firefox to work with jitsi.
If you don't have Chromium or Chrome and don't want to install a new browser you can use one of jitsi's apps here: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases/tag/v2.0.2 - you will need to change 'Server URL' in settings to https://8x8.vc/ and join the room /forged/books
For mobile devices try: https://jitsi.org/downloads/ - you will need to change 'Server URL' in settings to https://8x8.vc/ and join the room /forged/books
If you're really stuck, you could try joining the meeting room /forged/books with the desktop and mobile apps listed here: https://download.8x8.vc/

Questions? Email maximumstirner áτ riseup dóτ net

Datum & Zeit: 

Sonntag, 7 Juni, 2020 - 14:00


  • Buch-/Infoladen/Bücherei
  • Diskussion/Vortrag


  • reading group
  • discussion group
  • books
  • anarchism


Presently squatted
the internet


Presently squatted

FORGED BOOKS was a bookclub in the UK.


forged áτ riseup dóτ net


  • Buch-/Infoladen/Bücherei / Diskussion/Vortrag