Anarcho Folk Fest

Anarcho Folk Fest

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Small travelling collective organizing anarcho folk festivals. 2018 edition was at the ADM in Amsterdam. 2019 edition at the Atelier Wolimierz in Pobiedna (Poland). We’ll try to keep the atmosphere and continue the tradition of annual meeting of anarchists, folk musicians, agropunx, travellers, train-hoppers, free spirits, restless souls, nomads, vagabonds, minstrels or however you identify with… The idea of travelling festival is close to our hearts, as most of us don’t stay in one place for too long. We support local communities everywhere we are, making mostly short but intense contact with other human beings. We believe in flat social structures, with no bosses or priests to tell you what to do with your life, or after it. We’re struggling with capitalism and patriarchy, two main forces ruling the world, in our everyday life… We’re connected to nature, trying not to overuse or exploit it. Recycling, upcycling, bicycling. We respect it and know how to build and use compost toilets. We’re reducing the consumption of goods and animals. Come to the festival and have fun, bla,bla,bla……


  • music/concert
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