
Sonntag, 17 April


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"War, Occupation, Refugees". This Event is in English. But we can organize translation.
Malalai Joya is one the first Afghan women who was elected as the member of the Afghan assembly for new constitution (Loya jirga) at the age of 25 and then as the representative in Afghan House of People (Wolesi jirga) after the occupation.
Her radical speeches, denouncing Mujahedin in both assemblies and demanding national trials for these fighters, whom she called warlords and war criminals, resulted in threatening her to death several times, many speeches against her in the parliament and finally dismissing her from House of People. But this dismissal was not the end for Malalai. Since then she is trying to make Afghan women's voice to be globally heard, women who under the condition of occupation and the power of Jihadist forces - who still have influence on both the government and the parliament - are fighting for better life and equal rights and facing different risks and threats.

Datum & Zeit: 

Sonntag, 17 April, 2016 - 15:30


  • Diskussion/Vortrag


  • umsonst
Kallasch&-Moabiter Barprojekt (Unionstr 2)
Unionstraße 2
10551 Berlin

Grössenwahn & Leichtsinn (Veranstaltungsetage und Partykeller)

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