Social Screenings: Human Flow

Úterý, 2 Duben

Social Screenings: Human Flow

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"Social Screenings" start April with a film, directed by famous Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei, that shows us, in pictures, the story of the ongoing refugee crisis. "Human Flow" follows the flight of refugees in search for safety, shelter and justice, through 23 different countries: from teeming refugee camps to perilous ocean crossings to barbed-wire borders; from the haunting lure of lives left behind to the unknown potential of the future.

The film will be shown in English. If you have ideas about what other films could be shown in this series – contact us online or live.

Date & Time: 

Úterý, 2 Duben, 2019 - 19:30


  • book shop/info shop/knihovna
  • diskuse/prezentace
  • film
Pobřežní 8
18600 Prague
Česká republika

D-zona is an autonomous space dedicated to (self-)educational, knowledge-sharing, creative, and co-working activities.


  • kurz/workshop / diskuse/prezentace / výstava / film / meeting