dissabte, 21 setembre a diumenge, 22 setembre
19th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy
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The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Collective affirms and promotes mutual aid, direct democracy, direct action, anti-authoritarianism, autonomy and solidarity. We reiterate our opposition to capitalism, imperialism, patriarchy, heterosexism, racism, colonialism, statism and all other forms of oppression; we will not accept participants in the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair who perpetuate or promote such values.
The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair is a space to network, highlight, and aid struggles, both local and international. We strive to promote anarchist ideas through workshops, cultural activities and the bookfair itself. We have a spirit of openness towards different anarchist traditions, visions, and practices.
Our aims are threefold:
to introduce anarchism to the public,
to further elaborate upon current and historical anarchist ideals, and
to foster dialogue between various anarchist tendencies.
The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair’s priorities concentrate upon the written & spoken word (books, pamphlets, zines, audio-visual materials) by individuals and groups including publishers, distributors, and action-oriented associations. We also accept, on a case-by-case basis, information and participation from community/activist groups, self-publishers, artists and vendors of materials such as buttons, T-shirts or patches who fit within these principles. We do not accept the participation of political parties or candidates in the bookfair.
General Inquiries: info@victoriaanarchistbookfair.ca
Tabling Inquiries: tables@victoriaanarchistbookfair.ca
Volunteering: volunteers@victorianarchistbookfair.ca
Date & Time:
Is this a callout or mobilisation?:
- international callout
- book shop/info shop/library
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- exhibition
- meeting
- music/concert