Reisebericht: Anarchy.2023

dimecres, 2 agost

Reisebericht: Anarchy.2023

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Was passiert, wenn tausende Anarchist*innen zusammen kommen? Austauch, Vernetzung, Schaffung von Perspektiven, regelrechte Standoffs - und wir waren dabei!

Kommt am Mittwoch ins Kaleidoskop um unseren Bericht über Hintergründe, Höhen und Tiefen eines Anarchistischen Treffens zu hören, welches seinesgleichen sucht.

Du warst selbst vor Ort? Perfekt: Wir freuen uns über alle die Ergänzungen einbringen können!

Mittwoch, 02.08.23 19:00 Kaleidoskop, Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Wien KÜFA und Getränke gegen Spende


What happens when thousands of anarchists come together? Exchange, networking, creation of perspectives, actual standoffs - and we were there!

Come to Kaleidoscope on Wednesday to hear our report on the background, ups and downs of an anarchist meeting unique in its kind.

You were there yourself? Perfect: We are happy to hear from anyone who can add to the report!

Wednesday, 02.08.23 19:00 Kaleidoscope, Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Vienna Peoples kitchen and drinks for donation

Date & Time: 

dimecres, 2 agost, 2023 - 19:00 a 23:00


  • bar/cafe
  • discussion/presentation
  • food


  • free
  • by donation
Kaleidoskop, Kaleido, K
1050 Wien

queer feminist, anarchist and vegan space in the 5th district of Vienna


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film / food / meeting / party / work space/diy

opening times: 

Every monday from 7pm:
bar and food, sometimes with a certain (mostly a political)  topic, workshop or film, sometimes just hang out; what is always there are drinks for free donation and the Kaleido Crew