Beisl Montag

dilluns, 17 juliol

Beisl Montag

Short url:

Sehnsüchtig erwartet und jetzt endlich auf deinem Bildschirm - die Ankündigung für unser Montags-Beisl:

Freshe Drinks und gutes Essen gibt's wie jede Woche ab 19 Uhr in der Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Wien.
Bring deine Freund* innen und genieß den Abend!


Long awaited and now finally on your device - the announcement for our Monday bar night:

Fresh drinks and good food, just like every week, from 7pm at Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050 Vienna.
Bring your friends and enjoy the evening!

Date & Time: 

dilluns, 17 juliol, 2023 - 19:00 a 23:00


  • bar/cafe
  • food


  • free
  • by donation
Kaleidoskop, Kaleido, K
1050 Wien

queer feminist, anarchist and vegan space in the 5th district of Vienna


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film / food / meeting / party / work space/diy

opening times: 

Every monday from 7pm:
bar and food, sometimes with a certain (mostly a political)  topic, workshop or film, sometimes just hang out; what is always there are drinks for free donation and the Kaleido Crew