DIY Monday

الاثنين, 27 يناير

DIY Monday

Short url:

DIY session in disgraça, every monday from 5pm-8pm

Bring your art project that you wanted to work on (sewing stuff, patches, fabrics, paint, brushes...)
Gather with others to get some help if you need some and help others on what you can.
Any project that you want to bring is welcome.

Let's finish those halfway projects that you left off.

Make sure to bring the material that you need for your work, we can always share our tools but it's the best to have enough at least for yourself.

التاريخ والوقت: 

الاثنين, 27 يناير, 2025 - 17:00 to 20:00


  • فضاء عمل/(diy) اصنع بنفسك


  • مجاني

بريد إلكتروني: 

Rua da Penha de França 217
1170-182 Lisboa

إرشادات الوصول: 

Ring the bell!

Rua Penha de França217,LX


  • بار/مقهى / كتب/شباك معلومات/مكتبة / نشاط للأطفال / دورة/ورشة عمل / مناقشة/محاضرة / معرض / فيلم / طعام / سوق مجاني / اجتماع / موسيقى / حفلة / مسرح / فضاء عمل/(diy) اصنع بنفسك

أوقات العمل: 

  • We open whenever we have events. This is not a living place or a business.