Regular Theatre Training

الأحد, 12 يناير

Regular Theatre Training

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Regular Theatre Training
We resume our regular practice of theatre by exploring posture, movement, presence, body, the other in the space, games, breathing and voice in many of their expressions.

As an upcoming focus we are also concerned with building a street theater group aiming to perform in public spaces and in protests.
Harboring a radical approach to theatre performance, we explore joyful, clownesque, playful actions while simultaneously touching drama and confrontation.
We bring performances developed in mode of physical-storming and improvisations, choreographing group dances to the streets, to demos to the people and every living being around and nature around.

Theatre becomes the discovery that each of us is able to participate in collaborative sharing and in a process of authorship. Our practice will originate from ourselves: memories, stories and sounds of stones and steps, images of repopulated land, memories of touching each other, smell of seaweed.

"Anyone can do theater, even actors. And theater can be done everywhere. Even in a theater." Augusto Boal

Start: Sunday 12 January 13:00 and then regularly every Sunday
Sint Jansstraat 37 Amsterdam
Free participation and donations welcome
More info:

التاريخ والوقت: 

الأحد, 12 يناير, 2025 - 13:00


  • دورة/ورشة عمل
  • مسرح


  • تقبل التبرعات
Sint Jansstraat 37
1012HG Amsterdam

Theatre & Activism > Omnia Sunt Communia

Theatre & Activism > Omnia Sunt Communia


  • مبادرة عمل/احتجاج/مخيم / دورة/ورشة عمل / مناقشة/محاضرة / معرض / فيلم / اجتماع / موسيقى / مسرح