الأحد, 24 نوفمبر
Book presentation: "Squats & Pirates, chronicles of occupations in Barcelona and elsewhere"
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Event starts with food and cakes. We met with Trash, the author of the book published by Seitan con Bravas. The Squats & Pirates book brings together some forty articles and interviews recounting illegal occupations of empty buildings. From Barcelona to London, from the Canary Islands to Dublin, from Brest to Saint-Etienne via Lyon, Marseille or Amsterdam, we read anecdotes, advice, memories and other comments from people who have all been, for two weeks or for life, "occupants without rights or titles". A great reminder that other ways of living exist, and that in a country like France, where millions of vacant homes are listed every year, they are more legitimate than ever. "All these squat adventures, as dramatic, individualistic and hardcore as they may have been, are above all strong human stories; absurd, intense and violent at times, but often beautiful. As long as there are developers, there will be squatters and as long as there are squatters there will be hope. Big up to all those who don't give up."
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