Donostialdeko Okupazio Bulegoa

Donostialdeko Okupazio Bulegoa

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Some people who have been squatting in and around San Sebastián in recent years and who have been actively involved in Gaztetxe have felt the need to coordinate the informal networks they already had. Moreover, considering that these were the right times to squat, it was thought that it was time to give a boost to this opportunity. Knowing the experiences and activities of the Okupazio Bulegoa in Bilbao and, in some cases, other cities, it was decided to create a space in San Sebastián based on this model.

So they got in touch with people from other social movements and started having their first meetings. The idea spread and more and more people surrounded it.

Starting from our own needs, experiences and levels of commitment, we went on to put together and define the goals that the team should have.

Initially, we decided to combine the process of reflection on the squatting office and practical work (gathering material, informing about the legal aspect…).

We aim to create an information site and a meeting place for squatting. In addition, we want to make a network for those who want to squat and are already squatting. Driven by the economic and social situation, we want to show that many people have taken the path of squatting. It may have always been that way, but today, the profile of the squatter is very diverse. There are many who make this decision.

Finally, in addition to encouraging discussion about squatting, we will also defend the legitimacy of squatting. We want to socialize squatting as a discourse and as a practice. It is a legitimate tool and we want to make it visible. If anyone would like to make another day than tuesday for inquiries or contributions, we can make an appointment with them. Mail us

أوقات العمل: 

Bi asteartero: 18etatik-20etara PUBLIKOARI ARRETA


  • action/protest/camp
  • advice/help/office hours
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • meeting
  • party

كلمات دلالية أخرى: 

  • Okupazio Bulegoa

بريد إلكتروني: 


Heriz Pasealekua, 22
20008 Donostia


Presently squatted
There are no upcoming events.