Sunday, 15 January
struggles for utopias
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Current Struggles: Fights for Utopias
before the discussion, there is food by solidarity kitchen:
Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. The discussion takes place in English language.
The temperatures are rising and so is the far right - all over europe and worldwide. At the same time, we can see insurrections and resistance in many different places and connected through the powerful idea that another world is possible. From Autonomous Zones to Transformative Justice Circles and new transnational networks.
During this event, activists with emancipatory perspectives from different regions all over europe will share stories and experiences from their current struggles, the situation in their countries of residence and what they are striving for. We invite you to listen and to bring in questions and your own stories. We aim to connect and to exchange and to collectively aim towards utopia(s).
Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund – Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Wolke = Kern C, 4. Stock
Hütte = vor dem Gebäude beim Haupteingang alte WU
Mensa = großes Gebäude rechts (blick Richtung Haupteingang) von der Hütte
barrierearmer Zugang + barrierefreies Klo vorhanden
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Vereinsveranstaltung von: Althangrund für Alle in Kooperation mit Infoladen biblio>media:take!
Aktuelle Covid_19 Richtlinien für Wien siehe:
Kontakt bez./ Fragen oder online dazukommen, etc.: bzw. via +43677 64307596 telefonisch erreichbar ab ca. 30 Minuten vor dem jeweiligen Anfangszeitpunkt
Date & Time:
- discussion/presentation
- meeting